
Easy MUET Reading Tips: How to Digest Long Passages and Extract Key Points

If you’re taking the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) for the first time, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by how to tackle its Reading component. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll provide you with an easy guide on how to ace MUET Reading and make it a breeze. We’ll show you tips on how to digest long passages and extract key points from them, so that you can answer questions more easily.

What is MUET Reading?

Assuming that you are a beginner in reading for MUET, the first and foremost tip is to understand the different types of questions that can be asked in this section. There are four main types of questions, which are: gist, specific information, detail and inference. After understanding the different types of questions, you need to learn how to pace yourself when reading the passages. This is because one of the common mistakes that students make is spend too much time on a particular passage and run out of time to answer other questions.

Next, you need to focus on developing your own techniques in order to improve your speed and comprehension when reading. Some students prefer to skim through the passage first before they start reading it in detail. This allows them to have a better understanding of what the passage is about and also helps them identify the key points that they need to look out for. Other students prefer to read the passage multiple times in order to fully understand it. However, this might not be effective if you are running out of time. Therefore, it is important that you find a reading technique that works best for you and stick to it.

Last but not least, do not forget to revise regularly! One way of doing so is by practicing past year papers. By doing so, you will be exposed to a variety of question types as well as different passages which will help broaden your horizon when it comes to tackling MUET Reading questions.

Tips for Beginners

If you’re just starting out with MUET reading, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Don’t try to read the whole passage at once. Instead, break it up into smaller chunks and focus on one section at a time.

2. As you read, underline or highlight key points and main ideas. This will help you remember them later when you’re trying to answer questions about the text.

3. Take your time. There’s no need to rush through the reading process. If you can, give yourself a few minutes to think about what you’ve read before moving on to the next section.

4. Practice active reading by asking yourself questions about the text as you go along. This will help you engage with the material and better understand it.

5. If you get stuck on a particular word or phrase, don’t hesitate to look it up in a dictionary or search for it online. Understanding the meaning of what you’re reading is essential for being able to answer questions correctly about the text.

Breaking down a passage into sections

When you’re first starting to learn how to break down a passage into sections, it may seem like a daunting task. However, with a little practice, it will become second nature. The key is to identify the main ideas in the passage and then break them down into smaller, more manageable sections.

To do this, start by reading the passage through once to get an idea of what it’s about. Then, go back and identify the main ideas in each paragraph. Once you’ve done this, you can start breaking the passage down into sections.

Start by identifying the topic sentence in each paragraph. This is usually the first or last sentence in the paragraph and will give you a good idea of what that section is about. Then, read through the paragraph and identify any supporting details. These details will help you understand the main idea better and make it easier to remember when you’re trying to study for an exam.

Finally, once you’ve identified the main ideas and supporting details in each section, take a few minutes to write them down in your own words. This will help you solidify your understanding of the material and make it easier to review later on.

Skimming and Scanning Techniques

When you are reading a long passage, it is important to be able to skim and scan so that you can identify the key points. Here are some tips on how to do this:

When you are skimming, you should read the first and last sentence of each paragraph as well as any headings. This will give you a good overview of what the passage is about.

When you are scanning, you should look for specific information. For example, if you are looking for a particular name or date, you will scan the passage for these words.

Both skimming and scanning require practice so that you can do them quickly and efficiently. The more practice you have, the better your results will be.

Identifying the Language Features of a Text

In order to ace the MUET reading test, it is essential that you are able to identify the language features of a text. By doing so, you will be able to better understand the author’s message and purpose.

Some common language features that you should look out for include:

– Word choice: The author’s choice of words can give you clues about their attitude or opinion on a particular issue. For instance, if they use positive words such as “amazing” or “wonderful”, they are likely conveying a positive message. On the other hand, if they use negative words such as “horrible” or “terrible”, they are likely conveying a negative message.

– Sentence structure: The way in which sentences are constructed can also provide clues about the author’s attitude or opinion. For instance, short and simple sentences usually convey certainty, while longer and more complex sentences usually convey doubt or ambiguity.

– Figures of speech: Figures of speech such as metaphors and similes are often used to convey meaning in an indirect way. As such, it is important to pay attention to these devices in order to fully understand the author’s message.

– Understanding the Question Type

There are four different types of questions that can be asked in the MUET Reading section – true/false/not given, yes/no/not given, short answer and summary completion. In order to answer these questions effectively, you need to understand what each question type is asking of you.

True/false/not given questions require you to state whether a statement is true, false or not mentioned in the passage. Yes/no/not given questions ask you to agree or disagree with a statement made about the passage. Short answer questions ask for a word or phrase in response to a question about the passage. Summary completion questions require you to complete a summary of the passage using a list of given words.

To answer these questions correctly, you need to read the passage carefully and identify key information that will help you answer the question accurately. Pay close attention to detail and make sure you understand what the question is asking before selecting your answer.

Extracting Key Points from a Passage

There are a few key things to remember when extracting key points from a long reading passage. First, it is important to read the passage carefully and slowly in order to understand all of the information. Next, identify the main ideas and supporting details in the passage by highlighting or underlining them. Finally, make a list of the key points that you want to remember from the passage. 

When you are finished, review your list of key points and make sure that you understand them all. If there are any points that you are unsure about, go back and re-read that section of the passage. By taking these steps, you will be able to effectively extract the most important information from a long reading passage.

Practicing Strategies to Increase Efficiency

As a beginner, it is essential to develop strategies that will help increase your efficiency in reading and understanding long passages. The following are some tips to get you started:

1. Read the passage several times. The first time you read a passage, try to get a general understanding of what it is about. The second time, focus on the key points and details. The third time, look for any information that may have been missed the first two times.

2. Take notes as you read. Jot down key points and details that stand out so that you can refer back to them later. This will also help you remember the information better.

3. Ask questions as you read. If something is unclear or you don’t understand something, make a note of it so that you can ask someone later for clarification.

4. Summarize the passage after each reading. This will help solidify the information in your mind and also help identify any areas that need further clarification.


With the right approach, MUET Reading can be a breeze. We hope this guide has provided you with some useful tips on how to digest and extract key points from long passages. With these strategies in place, you will be able to effectively tackle any sort of reading passage that comes your way during an MUET exam. So get out there and ace your next MUET Reading test!

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