
Can Downloading E-books, Save Trees?

Many studies confirm that reading comprehension is better with physical books than with eBooks. Over the years, OverDrive readers have checked out more than 1 billion digital books and, in that time, 15.8 million trees have been saved.

Although young people may read more quickly on an eReader, the speed and potential distractions of links, scrolling, and advertisements usually mean people remember and retain what they are reading better in physical books.

It may appear odd to think that e-readers have less negative impacts on the environment than traditional printed books, the truth is e-readers take very little resources for production compared to traditional books. This makes them very helpful when it involves saving the environment. Apart from the fact that electronic books consume little resources, electronic books also do not release as much carbon footprint into the environment like printed books. As a result of the reduced carbon footprint from e-books, they are ultimately the best choice for a healthy planet. As they are easy to carry, students can always keep it with them and access the content during breaks, while traveling etc. While printed books take quite a lot of space in their bags, and carrying multiple books everywhere is not something that students would prefer, eBook seems like a convenient option.

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What Are The Advantages?

E-Books can be downloaded and stored for later use. One can carry the eBook around and read them whenever they want. Students and employees can go through the learning material while at home and even while travelling. It is convenient for people on the go. Some eReaders come with the option of offline accessibility, allowing people to use it even in the absence of an internet connection.

Also, the contents on the eBooks are mostly cloud-based, meaning it can be updated any time. Authors and publishers can always add the up-to-date information, providing users with the latest digital content. This saves reprinting costs and the time involved in the process as it can also be shared with multiple users and allows sharing and liking of content, which is not possible with printed books. Hence, students and teachers can use this feature to collaborate!

he user can even bookmark a certain page or find a word in a quick and effortless way. It also allows users to make annotations. There are multiple such interactive features which can be included in order to enhance the overall reading experience. Pandai also includes interactive features to make the reading experience a more engaging one like Quiz Battle, Flashcards and Live Tuition that can be embedded with audio and videos and recordings!

Can You Print An EBook?

If you’re an eBook reader who wants to print physical copies of your eBook project, keep in mind that the process is more complicated than simply pressing the “print” button on your computer. Digital books typically consist of dynamic computer files which allow the reader to change print size, zoom in on images, leave virtual bookmarks, highlight passages, and otherwise interact with their book. In Pandai, everything is online, it can be used in most places without having to print it, so as long as you can keep your devices charged. Most eReaders can even be used to read or learn in the dark. Pandai can also contain thousands of syllabus at all times, allowing you to carry an entire library with you.

Cr: Freepik

However, evaluating the environmental impact for e-books is complicated. For one, it depends on how many books you read on an eReader, studies indicate you need to read between twenty-two and one hundred books on an eReader to be more environmentally conscious than simply reading hard copy books. In addition, you need to consider that eReaders need to be recycled properly, have to recharge regularly, and contain some toxic metals requiring proper disposal.

In short,  eBooks already have an upper hand when it comes to user engagement. eBooks are also cost-effective, not only for the publisher but also for the user. Print books definitely have a traditional value to it, but eBooks are something which will completely transform the reading and learning experience in the near future.

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