
Level up! How to incorporate games as an effective learning instrument

We all know that playing games is a fun and engaging activity, and it’s definitely not just for kids! Games can be an effective learning tool for people of all ages, and they can be especially useful for parents and teachers who want to make learning more fun and interesting!

How can games be an effective learning tool?

Games allow the learners engage in a way that traditional teaching methods cannot. For instance, games provide instant feedback, which helps learners to understand what they need to do to improve. They also allow learners to experiment and take risks in a safe environment, which can build confidence and increase motivation. On top of that, games can be customised to meet the needs of individual learners, which can improve learning outcomes.

So, how do we make it happen? Here are 4 tips to use game as learning instrument effectively!

1. Identify the learning objectives

First and foremost, you must choose games that align with the learning objectives. When choosing games to use as a learning tool, it’s important to choose games that align with the goals of the learners. For example, if you want to teach vocabulary, games that involve words like word search, crossword or fill in the blank would be suitable choices. If you want to teach math skills, you might choose a game that involves lots of calculations perhaps as simple as sudoku! It’s crucial to prioritize the learning objectives when using games as learning instrument. This is to ensure that the selection of games serve a purpose in promoting and reinforcing learning.

It also serves as a reminder that the incorporation of games are not only being used for the sake of entertaining, but rather for it to enhance the learning experience. By identifying the learning objectives, it can help us to avoid selecting games that are irrelevant or even counterproductive.

2. Choose the right game

Besides choosing the games to align with the learning objectives, we must also keep in mind about the learners’ interests and preferences when picking the games. Make sure the games are enjoyable and appealing according to the group of learners. If they find the activity boring, it may defeat the purpose of using games as a learning tool! For example, take their age and skill level into consideration when selecting the games. Games that are too challenging or too easy may result in learners losing interest or becoming frustrated.

For instance, in Pandai, we offer a variety of games and interactive activities that are not only educational but also entertaining. We ensure that the learning experience is enjoyable and memorable by catering to the learners’ interests and preferences.

Our team of experienced educators has carefully curated a selection of games that are appropriate for different age groups and skill levels. From vocabulary-building games for primary school students to critical thinking puzzles for pre-university level learners, we’ve got it all covered! They are designed to be challenging but not overwhelming, so that learners can feel a sense of accomplishment and progress with every completed task.

3. Assist the learners!

Every game has its rules so when using games as a learning tool, it is crucial to provide clear instructions on how to play the game. We all know how frustrating and demotivating it is not to be able to understand what we’re supposed to do. Despite games already being a unique approach, learners may still lose interest without proper assistance. Precise instructions can help learners understand what they need to do to be successful in the game and even understand the material they’re about to learn better. Furthermore, it is also important to provide feedback during and after the game to help learners understand what they did and what they can improve.

Feedback is super important for both learners and practitioners. It helps them see how much progress they’ve made and what they need to work on next. This way, learners will be able to keep themselves on the right track and strategise their next steps accordingly. So, keep that feedback coming and assistance ready to ensure improvement!

4. Encourage multiplayer activities

Many games offer multiplayer options, allowing learners to collaborate and learn from each other. This will not only make learning fun and interactive but also gives the learners the ability to work in a team. By working together to achieve a common goal, learners can practise communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, valuable skills for any individual!  

For example, Pandai offers a lot of games that encourage collaboration and teamwork as a strategy to motivate students to revise. Students are able to compete among their friends and discuss the goals that surely make the learning fun! Learners may use this advantage as an opportunity to engage with others and learn from their perspectives. Pandai makes sure all games incorporate in the platform are interactive and engaging to maintain students productivity and enthusiasm in learning sessions!

5. Make it fun!

Finally, and most importantly, make it fun! It cannot be stressed enough that games are effective learning tools because they are fun and engaging. earners are more likely to be motivated and engaged in the learning process when they are pumped and having fun. So, choose games that are fun and engaging, and encourage learners to have fun while they learn. Just like any other form of learning, it’s important to set goals and monitor progress over time, and just like any other form of games, there’ll definitely be rewards waiting!

All in all, games is undeniably an excellent alternative to provide a fun learning atmosphere. It can be used as a warm-up activity at the beginning of a lesson, a review activity at the end of a lesson, or even as an introduction of a new topic. Interactive activities like brainstorming and pop quizzes are proven to be effective in increasing interaction and excitement, so just imagine what games can bring to the table! Learners can enjoy the learning process and acquire valuable skills that they can apply in various aspects of their lives.

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